That slippery slope we’re on that Judge Napolitano warned about is getting more slippery by the hour it would seem. The calls to remove Confederate related statues and monuments is now being expanded to include our Founding Fathers. From the Left’s point of view who better to go after the Founders, but racist Al Sharpton!
Thomas Jefferson was a slave holder, but does that mean the monuments and things done to make this great nation should be removed, abandoned or even destroyed? Sharpton isn’t alone, guests on CNN are calling for Jefferson and Washington’s statues and monuments to come down. And as you would expect some are calling for something to be done about that racist Mt Rushmore.
The Left is on a roll now to destroy American history because it would appear people on the Right are afraid to fight back. It’s safe to assume they don’t want to be labeled a racist. But from what is being said on tv and social media, people on the right already are racists, so you have nothing to lose at this point speak up!
People need to understand it’s not going to stop with a few statues and monuments. If the case is made against the Founders you do know the Constitution is next right!? Come on Patriots speak up, “not to speak is to speak”.