Right leaning Americans are sick and tired of Leftists pulling this guilt by association thing. Pres Trump is pro-America, unfortunately many racists feel the same way and voted for him. Trump, nor his normal, law-abiding, peaceful supporters, can’t do anything about Neo-Nazis and racists voting for him. It doesn’t mean the President nor his supporters are racists either. It’s out of their control just as it was for fmr Pres Obama when he had support from radical groups like the New Black Panther Party. Howard Dean knows this and is despicable for making the comparison that if you vote Republican you’re a racist.
Conservatives, Republicans and Independents who lean Right are tired of being labeled a racist because their political views aren’t in goose step with the Left.
If we use Dean and the Left’s logic: if Republicans are racists then Democrats are outright communists, radical Islamist and domestic terrorist supporters. Okay! You guys want to play this game fine we’ll play this game.
If you vote for Democrats in the midterms, consider yourself a communist and terrorist supporter.