Isn’t that just like liberals, to tell us what we heard we didn’t and then try to explain what they said! That is how stupid and unintelligent they think we all are.
Here is exactly what Madonna said at the Jan 21st Women’s March:
[Language Warning]
Full vid speech here
“….It seems as though we had all slipped into a false sense of comfort. That justice would prevail and that good would win in the end. Well, good did not win this election but good will win in the end. So what today means is that we are far from the end. Today marks the beginning, the beginning of our story. The revolution starts here. The fight for the right to be free, to be who we are, to be equal. Let’s march together through this darkness and with each step. Know that we are not afraid. That we are not alone, that we will not back down. That there is power in our unity and that no opposing force stands a chance in the face of true solidarity.
And to our detractors that insist that this March will never add up to anything, f*ck you. F*ck you. It is the beginning of much needed change. Change that will require sacrifice, people. Change that will require many of us to make different choices in our lives, but this is the hallmark of revolution. So my question to you today is are you ready? I said, are you ready? Say yes, we are ready. Say, yes we are ready. One more time: you’re ready.
Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House, but I know that this won’t change anything. We cannot fall into despair. As the poet, WH Auden once wrote on the eve of World War II: We must love one another or die.
I choose love. Are you with me? Say this with me: We choose love. We choose love. We choose love.”
That is what was correctly reported all over the net. Nothing was taken out of context, she didn’t use a different voice or speak sarcastically. Furthermore this wasn’t “off the cuff” either, this was a thought out written speech! Madonna said she thought “an awful lot” about blowing up the White House [Trump] in the same tone as everything else she said in this speech. For her to come out on Instagram today and say everyone has it wrong, that she “spoke in metaphor” is 1) insulting to people’s intelligence, 2) classic CYA!
Madonna is so emboldened she even tweeted out today, but then quickly deleted, what can only be a taunt and middle finger to Pres Trump and the Secret Service!
Liberals have become quite unhinged since Pres Trump was elected and sworn-in. It would appear the fight we’ve experienced over the last eight years was a warm-up for whatever is coming down the road from them!