The liberal media is having a love fest with former Mexican President Vicente Fox who has been attacking Pres Trump relentlessly over his immigration policies. Fox is taking the hate to a whole new level now by comparing Pres Trump to Hitler and the republican party to the Nazi party. Apparently enforcing existing US immigration law is now deemed racist, offensive and fascistic!
Fox also made a strange statement that Mexicans are carrying flags and prepared to defend their country. Defend it from what or whom exactly? The US government nor the American people have no intentions of going south of the border. As a matter of fact we want the southern border secured to stop illegal aliens, drugs, sex trade human trafficking etc from Mexico, Central and South America and anywhere else from coming into the US.
Many Americans were concerned about this new administration, but to date Pres Trump has done nothing alarming and on the contrary has been acting in our best interests. He has also done nothing to cause so much hate coming from the left and bomb throwers like Fox. If anyone should be carrying their flags, preparing to defend their country and President, it’s Americans!