Refugee Children Receive More Federal Aid Than Poor American Children

America while you continue to struggle in this bad economy for yourselves and your families you can rest assure knowing that DC is is doing all it can to take better care of… refugee children!

We are generous nation as Stuart Varney points out but welfare, food stamps, medical care etc paid for by American taxpayers is being used to take care of refugee children ahead of poor American children. So much for taking care of our own first!

Young Children of Refugees in the United States: Integration Successes and Challenges
Migration Policy Institute
Conflict and instability in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Central America are generating record numbers of refugees. While migration pressures continue to mount in Europe and the Middle East, it remains the case that the United States operates the world’s largest formal refugee resettlement program. In response to the growing humanitarian crisis, the Obama administration in 2015 offered to accept more refugees for the first time in more than a decade, including most controversially some from Syria. Despite the recent controversy, research indicates that the long-term outcomes for refugees resettled in the country are mostly positive, but any comprehensive understanding of such outcomes requires information about how the children in refugee families—not just the adults—are faring.

There are reasons to believe that refugees’ children may be particularly vulnerable to poor developmental and academic outcomes, given that their parents—and possibly the children themselves—fled violence and persecution, often arriving in the United States with little to no economic resources, social networks, or understanding of the country’s language and culture. For these reasons, one might expect children of refugees to face greater risks than children with immigrant parents who are not refugees. At the same time, the United States…more