Senate dems just love to spend our money but what a slap in the face this is to Americans! The democrats on the Senate Budget Committee voted to give illegal immigrants free cash in tax credits on money they didn’t earn. From the looks of it Congress is moving forward accepting Obama’s executive action on amnesty while Americans will literally pay the price via taxes, a drain on social services and jobs!
We need new leadership in Washington that will act in the best interests of citizens and stop pandering to illegal immigrants.
Obama tax refunds for illegal immigrants to cost $2 billion over 5 years
The Washington Times
Illegal immigrants will file 800,000 claims for Earned Income Tax Credit refunds under President Obama’s new deportation amnesty, costing the government $2 billion over the next five years, Congress’s scorekeeper predicted this week as key lawmakers proposed legislation to cancel what’s become known as the “amnesty bonus.”
Led by Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, the 11 Republican senators said giving illegal immigrants a tax credit for time when they were working illegally makes no sense and is unfair to taxpayers.
“The tax code shouldn’t reward those who broke our immigration laws,” Mr. Grassley said.
Mr. Obama’s November 2014 policy, which has been put on hold by a federal court, would apply to as many as 4 million illegal immigrants. They would be granted three years of tentative legal status and be given work permits and Social Security numbers…read more