This video is pathetic attempt with shock value to deter people, by debunking “safety myths”, who want to protect themselves by deliberately trying to sell them weapons “used” in accidental deaths, homicides, suicides or violent crimes. Gun grabbers don’t want to have the discussion about irresponsible gun owners who do not store or use guns properly where accidental deaths resulted like that .22 revolver a “child used”. All the anti’s care about is the shock value leaving people thinking guns are bad and methods of safety are myths created by the NRA, other pro-gun organizations and crazy gun owners.
I bet we can find some kitchen knives, hammers, wrenches, screwdrivers, ball bats, coffee mugs, cars and God knows what else to put up for sale that were all used/ involved in the death of another person too! How about we don’t buy anything because most household or garage kept items have one time or another been used or involved in the death of another person! Why are you driving that car or truck? Don’t you know people have died and been killed by cars and trucks?! Shame on all of you that play baseball! Don’t you know how many people have been severely injured, crippled and killed by a baseball bat!? This is the same logic or rather insanity liberal gun grabbers are using here!
How many guns have been used that saved lives? The anti-gun crowd never wants to have that discussion. They want to demonize the weapons and people who use them as all bad. In the anti-gunners world if own a gun you’re a bad person, you don’t care about human life, you want to have a shootout in public with people getting shot and killed in the crossfire. Anti-gunners are incredibly dangerous and frankly deceitful to warp the truth in keeping someone from buying a weapon for self-defense. Again I must stress those the man cites that bought guns for defense but were used in accidental killings are irresponsible gun owners!
Many gun owners know and understand this, the ones that don’t you read about or see in the news! By the way I don’t recall hearing this guy talk about those with mental heath issues who should’ve never had access to a weapon in the first place? No, we can’t talk about that can we? Why? Because the truth blows the anti-gun crowds positions out of the water!
Gun grabbers have absolutely no shame whatsoever. They would rather see people disarmed and incapable of defending themselves rather than have a fighting chance to survive. I bet a few people in Tunisia wished they had gun today. I’m sure we could find a few people who survived mass shootings in the US who wish they had a gun to defend themselves too, like Dr. Suzanna Hupp…
This anti-gun video is disgusting, the only people who should be ashamed are the scumbags who set it up. The buyers were all sketchy to begin with if they could be persuaded so easily. Yes, some guns have a history, but history has shown us those disarmed have no history other than becoming a statistic!