The Obama admins fmr Attorney General, Eric Holder, told attendees at a rally for gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams in Stockbridge, Georgia that they need to fight for their cause to “kick” republicans.
Channeling Michelle Obama, the fmr AG said, “‘When they go low, we go high’. No. When they go low we kick them.” Please note he said this with a very stern look and voice, there was no sarcasm, no smile on his face, or rolling of his eyes, to the cheers, applause and laughter from attendees. Holder was dead serious to the crowd to fight for everything they want. He is in fact playing the same tune we’ve come to expect from Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, members of the media etc who have called to throw civility out the window.
“We’re not in this just to make a statement, we’re in this to win”
The Left is out for blood this election cycle, Republican and Conservative voters MUST get out to vote. Every single race matters, the Democrats cannot be permitted to take power again after what they did to this country during the eight years under the previous administration.