The guy who broke up this street fight between two teens deserves some praise for stopping the animosity we see getting more intense from our youth.
Many fights always start out over a “he said, he said”, and it appears to be the case here. This wise neighbor sounds like he’s been around the block a few times warning these teens to stop fighting and take life seriously. He even points out to a few onlookers he knows their family’s story, from one kids parents who worked hard to get where they are, to another whose father is in prison!
The good Samaritan is right to point out the two who are fighting real enemies are their “friends”. The same ones egging the two to fight, filming it so they can be entertained while two beat on each other. Far too many people, young and old, care more about getting video of a fight, someone getting hurt or humiliated rather than ending a fight a fight or helping out. Everyone is looking for their 15 minutes of internet fame regardless of the consequences, or losing a piece of humanity.
I dunno who this guy is, it was filmed in Atlantic City NJ, but someone should seek him out continue speaking this kind of truth to our youth. The adults running this country are a mess, if we can get more guys like this to stop fights, ending them with a handshake, maybe this country might have a chance to save itself from the self-destruction we’re seeing daily.