Cleveland Police Detective on Baton Rogue Police Ambush: ‘The President Has Blood on His Hands’

Cleveland Police Detective Steve Loomis did not hold back today speaking on the police who were ambushed in Baton Rouge, LA pointing finger of blame at the President.

‘The President of the United States validated the false narrative and the nonsense that black lives matter and the media pressing out there to the public and validated with his very divisive statements and now we see an escalation.’ … ‘those police involved shootings make no mistake are absolutely.. has triggered this this rash of of senseless murders of law enforcement officers across this country, it is reprehensible and the President United States has blood on his hands and will not be able to come washed off.’

It is not just the President but also Attorney General Lynch, many within the democrat party ranks and celebrities, as Loomis points out, who have endorsed and supported Black Lives Matter and other hate groups that promote violence.

‘How the hell did we ever become the bad guys in this country?’, ‘It’s the irresponsible reporting of the media and it’s the irresponsible statements of people that are credible like the president of the United States, like celebrities.”

How many times has POTUS met with Tea party and conservative activists? Can’t seem to find anything on that but race-baiters like Al Sharpton, DeRay Mckesson and the BLM have the Presidents ear!

Sad to say none of this violence and the war on police is going to tamp down until after we have new leadership in Washington, DC.