Hillary Clinton, speaking at the Trayvon Martin Foundation’s “Circle of Mothers” dinner in FL, attacked Donald Trump’s Second Amendment speech from the NRA Annual Meeting. [Full speeches for both below] Pay attention and comprehend what Clinton is saying here about schools when you remove the emotion. Aside from taking some of the things Trump said out of context, Clinton doesn’t want teachers/admin staff to have the ability to defend themselves but more importantly protect our children in school if a maniac, who doesn’t follow the law, is on the loose!
Clinton comments about gun violence are misleading, there’s no epidemic. The violence in inner cities, like Chicago, is a result of other issues (economic, social, criminal etc) not loose gun laws. As a matter of fact many cities/ states with high rates of gun violence are those with very strict gun control! But Clinton and the anti-gun lobby want Americans to believe that it’s the Wild West throughout the country. Gun crime is actually down because more Americans are armed!
Hillary Clinton and the gun control lobby wants Americans disarmed, left to the mercy of terrorists and criminals who by their very nature couldn’t careless about the law. There is no law that she or the gun control lobby can produce that would stop any of the mass shootings, acts of violence or terrorism we’ve seen.