Rush: Hillary Clinton is Suffering a Public Breakdown [Listen]
Rush Limbaugh has an interesting theory about Hillary Clinton which makes a lot of sense when think back to her actions and behavior as of […]
Rush Limbaugh has an interesting theory about Hillary Clinton which makes a lot of sense when think back to her actions and behavior as of […]
Thanks to exposés by James O’Keefe we can see and hear how democrats truly feel and what they plan at private party events like this […]
Hillary Clinton like Pres Obama will not launch a direct assault on Americans gun rights. She will follow in his footsteps chiseling away on the […]
Disarming the left is a battle cry repeated among pro-Second amendment activists when leftists call for more gun control. Trump expressed this in his speech […]
#1 In this Fox News Sunday interview Hillary Clinton is doubling down on the statement she made during her DNC speech stating, ‘I’m not looking […]
Why is the democrats solution to every mass shooting and terror attack always to takeaway more of our rights? How is taking the rights away […]
Stephanopoulos: ‘Do you believe that their conclusion [SCOTUS Heller ruling] that an individuals right to bear arms is a Constitutional right?’ Clinton: ‘If it is […]
Hillary Clinton, speaking at the Trayvon Martin Foundation’s “Circle of Mothers” dinner in FL, attacked Donald Trump’s Second Amendment speech from the NRA Annual Meeting. […]
This is a clip from a 2014 Clinton town hall on CNN that every law-abiding Constitutional Conservative should see as the presumptive democrat party candidate […]
This was not an error, accident, honest mistake, Camden County NJ Freeholder Susan Shin Angulo DELIBERATELY omitted “under God”, from the Pledge of Allegiance, as […]
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