The FBI is ‘asking Apple to give them the keys to unlock this phone which would unlock any phone. They’re asking Apple for the keys, the combination to the safe, they’re asking Apple for the combination for every phone eventually that’s been made.’ … ‘they don’t want to have to go to Apple every time they grab a terrorist phone, they want to be able to do it in-house.’
This issue with Apple and the DOJ is not being explained clearly for the average person to understand. On the surface if you listen to pundits on any network (incl Fox), or even Donald Trump, they would have you believe Apple is being stubborn that this is some marketing ploy or even siding with terrorists.
The only person I’ve heard explain this so the average person could really get a handle on this controversy is Rush Limbaugh. Rush is a HUGE Apple guy, he knows about all the bells and whistles, he’s up to date on everything on Apple products where one could argue he is an expert. If the guy wasn’t a huge radio success he would probably be running an Apple store! So please give this a listen and understand what the government really wants is for Apple to hand the keys over to the FBI.
Yes, we want our country to be protected but how much of our freedoms are we willing to give up for a little bit of security? This is just the first step to a larger power grab by the government. Does anyone really believe if Apple complies the FBI (and other agencies) will ONLY use this technology if they get their hands on a terrorists phone? Remember power grabs start out small then expand exponentially. Today it’s the San Bernardino terrorists phone, tomorrow it may be your phone because you said/ texted something taken out of context.
I’m 100% with the FBI getting a warrant/ court order that compels Apple to crack the terrorists phone, otherwise they are held in contempt. But no way do I want to see this government given the keys to the entire system, it’s far too much power and an invasion of everyones privacy rights under the 4th Amendment.