Since the government won’t allow our military to carry sidearms American Patriots across the US (where it’s still legal to open carry) are standing guard defending our protectors! Am I the only one who finds this insane? The American people should not have to take up arms to protect our protectors!
People need to melt the Capitols phones lines tomorrow @(202)224-3121 and not stop until Congress changes the laws to allow our military to be able to carry weapons on US military installations and satellite locations like recruitment centers. Think about it, security guards who go through minimal training and certification can carry but not our warriors who spend years training for war! Just insane!
Armed residents protecting local marine recruiting office after shooting in Chattanooga @FOX5Atlanta @NewsRadio1067
— Nathalie Pozo (@NathaliePozo) July 17, 2015
Armed volunteers standing guard outside of USMC recruiting office in Madison following #ChattanoogaShooting @NC5
— Chris Conte (@chrisconte) July 20, 2015
Americans doing some American stuff. Pulling security at a recruiting station.
— U.S. Marines (@usmcquotes) July 20, 2015
Armed volunteers stand guard at recruiting centers —
— WPXI (@WPXI) July 21, 2015
Local veterans standing guard outside military recruiting centers
— FOX 46 Charlotte (@FOX46News) July 20, 2015
More examples here