This is a clip from a 2014 Clinton town hall on CNN that every law-abiding Constitutional Conservative should see as the presumptive democrat party candidate clearly has every intention to disarm this country if elected. The fact Clinton calls a third of Americans a “minority of people” who are terrorizing the majority is beyond misleading and frankly insulting.
“We cannot let a minority of people [pro-2A & NRA] and that’s what it is, it is a minority of people hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of people.”
Clinton states she wants to have a “thoughtful conversation” but we know this is not true. She, like Pres Obama, wants to speak/ dictate her agenda and have Congress act on it if elected.
#1 Clinton, since this 2014 appearance, is on record praising Australian-Style gun control saying it is “worth considering“.
#2 Civilians cannot walk into a corner gun store or go to a gun show and buy an automatic weapon. Purchasing automatic weapons requires extensive background check by the ATF. The purchaser must pay a tax on said weapon and the cost of a machine gun is in the thousands of dollars. We’re not talking about $2-3K either, we’re talking $10K ++ for an automatic military weapon vs an AR-15 (that is what she’s thinking about) which costs less than a $1K on avg.
#3 We already have background checks that go through the DOJ, what is this mystical universal background check progressives are seeking? This quest is nothing more than a stepping stone to get universal registration with will lead to universal confiscation. Clinton and all progressives are on record they want to take all the guns away.
#4 The only people terrorizing the nation when it comes to guns are progressives who have launched relentless attacks against law-abiding gun owners blaming them for the actions of criminals and mentally ill. Progressives have gotten everything they have wanted when it comes to gun laws:
They wanted background checks, they got it.
They wanted magazine restrictions, they got it.
They wanted Gun-Free Zones, they got them.
99% of the time whatever the complaint is against guns the democrats got what they wanted INFRINGING on gun owners God-given/ Natural Rights to keep and bear arms. The Second Amendment and the Founders intentions behind it couldn’t have been any more clear, not to mention it is the only amendment with its own built-in do not touch clause!
This anti-Constitutional Alinsky-ite progressive cannot be permitted to sit in the Oval Office.