As if it wasn’t bad enough dealing with Hollywood’s insane obsession and praise for Barack Obama over the last 8 years, now we have to deal with their hate for Pres-Elect Trump. Can you imagine the outrage if conservatives acted like this towards Pres Obama?!
Frankly I’ve been on the fence with Guns N’ Roses, being sick of hearing ‘Appetite‘ played constantly over the radio airwaves since ’87! This disgraceful act in Mexico City allowing and encouraging fans to smash this giant Trump piñata sealed it for me. I’m done with you G&R and will gladly delete whatever music of yours is in my iTunes library!
All you jerks in Hollywood should take Mark Wahlbergs advice to STHU when it comes to politics.
‘“A lot of celebrities did, do, and shouldn’t,”… “You know, it just goes to show you that people aren’t listening to that anyway,” he continued. “They might buy your CD or watch your movie, but you don’t put food on their table. You don’t pay their bills. A lot of Hollywood is living in a bubble. They’re pretty out of touch with the common person, the everyday guy out there providing for their family. Me, I’m very aware of the real world. I come from the real world and I exist in the real world. And although I can navigate Hollywood and I love the business and the opportunities it’s afforded me, I also understand what it’s like not to have all that.”’ – Task & Purpose
It’s pretty clear some major boycotts are in order to get the message sent on Nov 8th that not only have the American people have had it with liberal politicians and talking heads but more specifically athletes, musicians and celebrities.