US Air Force veteran Thaddeus Alexander spoke out today, on Fox & Friends, to continue calling out the crybabies protesting Donald Trump’s election win, following his video that went viral a few days ago (below). Alexander expressed the frustration many Americans have been feeling over the recent protests and general anti-American sentiment coming from the left. Everything Alexander said today and in his video about respecting the Flag, standing for pledge of allegiance, working hard and so on are the values countless Americans have
What we are witnessing with these protests is the entitlement generation imploding, because they did not get the biggest thing trophy they believed they were promised. In the lefts mind had Hillary Clinton won they thought they would be able to continue being disrespectful to the Flag, not stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, wouldn’t have to work hard for the things they want etc. But now that Trump is President Elect they realize all the free stuff and accountability they would be receiving is over, so the protest and riot!
Just as Alexander said, the protesters need to grow up and stop being crybabies. You want something then go earn it. You don’t like here leave. And stop trashing our communities!