This video symbolizes everything that is wrong with America…
– The armed robbers can be a representation of the elites in power (politicians, “consultants”, media, power brokers, rich elitists (Soros, Bloomberg, Zuckerberg, Gates etc)) who do what they want, when they want lying and ripping off America.
– The barkeeper can be a representation of the typical hardworking American and for sake of argument educated, pretty well-informed. These people, as things look now with our current economic and political climate, are a minority of the populace and are not happy campers with the theft of America.
– The kissing couple are your typical uninformed unengaged Americans oblivious to what’s going on around them who only care when the Kardashians are in the news or something happens that directly affects them. They represent the majority of the populace with whom the robbers feed off of.
Americans who fall into the kissing couple category, you have got to wake up and understand your country is in a lot of trouble. Turning a blind eye, ignoring what’s going on or making excuses only enables more robberies. Why should you care and get engaged? Since you haven’t figured it out already, you’re being robbed everyday by the elitists!
If you want to keep your head in the sand fine, but don’t start whining when the pain hits.