Former Trump campaign advisor, Roger Stone, said “a spasm of violence in this country, an insurrection like you’ve never seen,” would break out if Congress moved to impeach Pres Trump.
When the TMZ reporter expanded on it asking whether there would be actual Civil War, Stone, responded “Yes, I do. I think that’s what will happen,” because unlike 1974, when Nixon was ousted, the American people would not stand for it today.
It’s mind-boggling how Hillary Clinton’s loss in November has sent liberals off the deep-end. These people will never stop their calls to remove Pres Trump from office and many are prepared to start hurting, even kill opposition!
With both sides being heavily armed, and how protests have erupted into riots over the last year, there is no doubt an armed conflict could happen if the Left doesn’t get their way.
The media isn’t helping any, as they have in fact thrown gasoline on the fire going from one conspiracy theory to another, putting all their hopes in the Mueller investigation. Pres Trump has not done anything illegal, as of now, what happens when Mueller completes his investigation and says he has nothing? What will the people, many quite violent in nature, calling for impeachment do?
Leaders on both sides need to calm things down, set realistic expectations and start telling the truth before people start getting killed.