Over the last 5 years the ATF reports there is a surge in gun thefts from stores and shops vs private owners. You can be sure most liberal news outlets won’t cover this story because it supports what the pro-gun lobby and activists have been saying for years:
Criminals don’t follow the law and will get their hands on guns one way or another!
While the Left champions gun control measures everyone should take notice said laws and regulations on law-abiding gun owners has no effect on criminals. Criminals will continue to get their hands on weapons while progressive lawmakers take every step possible to disarm the people through unconstitutional laws and regulations at the state level. Lawmakers and anti-gun activists refuse to see they are leaving hard-working, law-abiding Americans defenseless against what is becoming a very violent and dangerous criminal element.
Maybe gun grabber Michael Bloomberg can get his acolytes (ex Everytown, Moms Demand), and politicians (ex Sen Schumer, Sen Feinstein) at his beck and call, to take to the airwaves and social media stressing to criminals they should follow the law and not steal guns. Maybe he and the other gun grabbers can get their friends in Congress to make a law that people have to follow the law!
Brazen thieves targeting gun stores as ATF sees dramatic rise in firearm thefts
Fox News
The criminals show no hesitation. They smash through front doors, with stolen vehicles if necessary, to steal dozens of firearms in seconds.
And it’s happening all across the country.
Just this week, brazen thieves broke into the Warhorse Firearms shop in Littleton, Colo. and stole 27 semi-automatic rifles just before 3 a.m. No arrests have been made in the case.
ATF officials say it’s a troubling new trend. Instead of stealing a gun from a home or street corner, thieves are now targeting gun stores where they could steal a handful or dozens of firearms at a time.
“This is our top priority at ATF,” according Lisa Meiman, spokesperson for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, which tracks gun thefts nationwide.
In 2012, there was a total of 5,762 guns stolen in America, according to the ATF. Last year, that number jumped to 9,281. That includes guns taken in robberies, burglaries and simple larcenies. In the same period, the number of gun shop robberies, defined as thefts committed during business hours with staff present, increased by 175 percent, ATF said. Read More