Welcome to America where you can break our laws, cross the border illegally, have access to social entitlements provided for by hardworking American taxpayers and then be so bold to produce your own version of the Bill of Rights!
This bill of rights from United We Stay is offensive, every single American should be outraged with what is going on. This is not a human rights issue either there is no war or anything like what is going on in the Middle East south of our border. Illegals are coming here because the governments from their nations of origin are corrupt running their economies into the ground. Illegals are only coming here for all the “free stuff” the democrat party promises at taxpayers expense! This group has one thing right, Congress is ineffective. Our leaders in Washington, DC have done nothing but allow more illegals to come into the US while they pit Americans against each other.
I’ll tell you what United We Stay, I’ll agree to this… illegals can come to the US, those already here can stay under a few conditions:
1) Illegals have to pay fine of $100,000 each in cash. 1a)ALL back taxes must be paid, in cash. If you cannot account for how long you have been here then each illegal shall be hit for at least 15 years of back taxes and all fines subsequent with failing to pay taxes.
2) Illegals can NEVER own a gun.
3) Illegals MUST ASSIMILATE to American culture: meaning read, write, speak in English and no more proudly waving the flag of your nation of origin around.
4) Illegals can NEVER EVER VOTE!
Undocumented Americans’ Bill of Rights
We, the Undocumented Americans, submit our Bill of Rights with the same determination as the nation’s founders to incorporate these rights into law across the land.
We are here on American soil working for a stronger economy while reinvigorating the nation’s commitment toward democracy, and we should be afforded the same due process and equal protection guaranteed to all by the U.S. Constitution. We are the living embodiment of the American Dream and how we are treated by this nation reflects its commitment to its own ideals. Going forward, we want to see the United States fulfill its historic democratic promise by making these rights a reality.
1 Acknowledgment that we are already here, that we are human beings with a right to be, that our mere presence cannot be deemed illegal or our existence alien.
2 Affirmation that we are to be treated with dignity and respect, not just because of who we are, but who you are – historic beneficiaries of immigrant struggles for the freedom to be.
3 Recognition of our right to be presented with a path to citizenship/residency as the first priority of future immigration policy combined with interim deferment of all law-abiding Undocumented Americans against detention and deportation.
4 Compelled authorization of birth certificates for our U.S.-born children to ensure their constitutionally guaranteed right to citizenship.
5 Protection against cruel and unusual punishment, including the separation of our immediate families and incarceration without charges, hearings or representation.
6 Access to non-discriminating public education and in-state tuition to ensure that our children realize their full potential for themselves and the country.
7 Guarantee of wage equality with a legal right to petition for wage theft or workplace mistreatment without jeopardizing our immigration status.
8 Assurance of humanitarian treatment, including medical care.
9 Protection against detention or deportation when we report a crime as a victim of witness.
10 Guarantee of the Declaration’s unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.