Professors Sign Letter Supporting Plan to Ban US Flags From CA College Campus

Why are people sending their children to these indoctrination camps aka colleges and universities? Don’t get me wrong a higher education is great but it isn’t what it’s all cracked up to be anymore. Fact is we have millions of unemployed people with a college degree and more preparing to graduate this year with nowhere to go. College is more or less preparing people for desk jobs that do not exist! Worst off while people are earning their degrees progressive professors are twisting their minds going so far as now to tell you the American flag offensive and racist!

This is what happens when you give people tenure, they become unleashed radicalizing generations! All those G_d- D**m hippies of the 60’s are now running this asylum called America. They have infiltrated the very institutions they condemned and now year after year send out mindless fools who went in loving America but come out hating it! Aside from Congress being the American people’s biggest problem, colleges & universities are the second biggest with the radicals who dominate all of them at this point. Alumni especially those who donate a lot of money who are conservative you need to cut the funds off from these corrupt institutions. Or do they represent your views when they want to ban the flag or push for all kinds of socialism? Frankly any school that is publicly funded by taxpayers that takes an anti-American stance like UC Irvine, needs to have their funding pulled as well.

To all you professors out there (as well as typical America hating/ bashing progressive) if you hate this country so much WHY ARE YOU HERE? LEAVE! There is no gun to your head to be in America. You praise Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, many socialist European countries and the like go live there and leave the rest of us the hell alone! Or do you stay put here because you know if you went to another country and tried to pull the things you do here you would get hit on the head and thrown in jail!? I think that’s it. You hate America but know it’s the only place on the planet you can spew your vile views while brainwashing our youth!

Wayne Rogers said it best “I fought for this [US flag] and I care about it and anybody who doesn’t care about it get out!”

Love it or leave!