Fmr Clinton Adviser Says Obama Has Secret ‘War Room’ to Topple Pres Trump [Video]

Fmr Bill Clinton adviser Dick Morris is spilling the beans over how fmr Pres Obama “has set
up a secret operation, in a war room”
to topple the Trump Presidency. Morris states Obama and former aides have conference calls to “Develop talking points for the media for the day on how to sabotage and undermine Trump. I mean it’s war room, it’s just like in the middle of the campaign, it’s like the campaign never stopped and all of the key players are on that conference call.”

It’s abundantly clear Obama is desperate to preserve his legacy, especially on healthcare as Morris points out, and is willing, correct me if I’m wrong, to engage in rebellion and sedition to save that legacy!

The moles Morris speaks of are the individuals many refer to as the Deep State within the US government leaking confidential material to the fake news media. These government officials are breaking federal laws and need to be brought to justice. How many though, if caught, will fall on their sword to protect Obama?!

This action to subvert and undermine Pres Trump by the former president is unprecedented. It is time for the FBI and DOJ to step in with a formal investigation. Barack Obama needs to have the facts of life explained to him that he is no longer president and cannot interfere with the nation’s business.

h/t GWP