When news hit about the shooting at a San Bernardino elementary school that has left 3 dead and 1 seriously injured, liberals came out of the woodwork attacking gun owners, the NRA and Pres Trump. Instead of waiting for facts of the tragic event liberals, like the one below, jumped to the net to show how uninformed and divisive they are:
This woman had absolutely no clue, yet wanted to blame Pres Trump for signing a bill that restored gun rights to social security recipients, who lost their Second Amendment rights under an obscure Obama admin regulation!
Aside from this being a domestic dispute that turned violent, the main fact, that none of the main stream media will cover is the gunman was a prohibited possessor under CA law! The gunman, Cedric Anderson, had previous charges for assault and battery, domestic violence, weapons and drug possession. So how did he get the revolver? Criminals and those with evil intentions always find a way to get a weapon that NO LAW can stop.
As you can see and hear in this clip, the most recent, not one word is mentioned about the gunmans criminal past. The media will ignore his past while they aid Leftist anti-gun groups to push for more gun control. Many will also leave out (not make the distinction) that a revolver was used and not a semi-automatic.
Leftists won’t accept that they could ban and confiscate guns tomorrow but gun violence will continue. Why? Because criminals do not follow the law! With all the oppressive laws on the books in CA this tragedy still occurred, that also took the life of a 8yr special needs child.
The only thing that could’ve possibly stopped the days event was a metal detector at the schools entrance. Yes, that’s correct. The school doesn’t have metal detectors at its entrance. Maybe Leftist legislators should focus on equipping schools with better security rather than burning tax payers money on illegal aliens or pet projects like trains to no where!