Horrifying Audio Captured From Inside Bataclan Theater

The video of the first shots being fired quickly went viral but this audio recording (almost 2 minutes long) takes it a step further, where heavy gunfire can be heard and also the horrifying screams of defenseless concert goers!

This audio recording is why I am vehemently against Syrian refugees being brought to the US. I do not want to hear a recording like this after an attack in the US for a few reasons: First off, because of the obvious horror and loss of life. Second, because I know it will happen in a democrat created gun-free zone when it didn’t have to. Lastly, to make matters worse democrats will use said attack to justify additional government intrusion into our private lives and of course more gun control.

Yes, ISIS is already here but we shouldn’t add to that threat by shipping people here many government agencies and officials say cannot be vetted.

Americans should not be subjected to the security concerns these refugees pose. They should be sent to a Muslim friendly country to begin with like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait (they owe us!) or any of the other Gulf States. This has nothing to do with race or religion it has to do with national security and shame on anyone saying otherwise.

“…Italian Vincent Capuana, Perugia, who has lived in France for several years, was attending the concert and recorded audio when all hell broke loose… the audio was recorded on phone in the pocket by Vincenzo Capuana and played over the phone to radio show “Trapocoinedicola”, a nightly radio news show hosted by Stefano Mensura”