de Blasio Wants to Control How Much Juice Kids Drink and Time Spent Sitting in Daycare
Yes this is just in New York City, but how long until other progressive cities and states jump on board? NYC’s Board of Health under Mayor de Blasio has issued new rules for daycare centers to limit how much juice your kids can have and the amount of time they are allowed to sit sedentary.
Children must now be 2 yrs and above to have juice which will be limited to 4 ounces down from 6. They will also not be permitted to sit sedentary for 30 minutes or more including when watching educational tv! The government knows what’s best for your children America not you! Have they considered that some kids might need or more than 4 ounces in a day? Who knows, but again the government knows best.
As for sitting too long, that’s a gray area. You don’t want kids staring at the walls but if they are active painting, doing crafts that isn’t a crime and these types of activities can take up to an hour. The same logic applies to educational tv, are they going to cut a show like Sesame Street off halfway through the show and only let kids watch 30 mins per week?! Keep in mind this show was created by doctors and educators (know-it-all’s like govt agencies) are they not as smart as the Dept of Health now? How many of us grew up watching educational tv and are just fine today?
The issues of child obesity do not start in daycare centers, they start in the home and many cases are because of medical conditions. We don’t need government to step in becoming the parent. There are exceptions in cases of abuse and neglect but that isn’t the case generally. Moderation is the key to everything we do and eat but we do not need government to make that determination. Government from the city to federal level needs to stay out of our and our kids lives.
NYC Board of Health’s new, stricter rules for day cares limit how much juice kids can drink, cut ‘sedentary’ time
New York Daily News
The city wants to make sure day care kids get in shape — and that means more exercise and less juice.
In a pint-sized version of ex-Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s attempt to ban super-sized sugary drinks, the city’s Board of Health on Monday announced dramatically stricter rules for all licensed city day cares, including a limit on how much juice kids can drink.
Under the new rules, designed to try to cut obesity rates, children must be at least 2 years old before they can take their first sip of juice at day care, and they are only allowed four ounces a day.
Only 100% juice is allowed.
The old rules allowed babies as young as eight months to guzzle six ounces of 100% juice a day.
Other new rules restrict kids’ “sedentary time” to less than 30 minutes a day — down from 60 minutes a day currently — and only one half-hour of screen time a more