Well you knew it was coming didn’t you. You didn’t think we could get through this horrific day without someone on liberal media like CNN yapping about gun control? What’s really disturbing about this clip is Bob Baer is fmr CIA… he knows terrorists don’t go to the corner store or gun shows to buy guns, especially the ones they will use. When the US gets hit, like France, the terrorists will not be using semi-auto AR-15’s or AK-47’s. They’ll be using the real military, fully automatic guns the civilian versions are modeled after. Said weapons come through the black market (cost a lot more, try several thousand) and that wide open border we have. Ya know the southern border where all the Mexican drug cartels operate who have fully automatic weapons and love to sell them to the highest bidder!
Bob do have you no shame? Countless Americans can assure you, CNN and its liberal audience we will never give up our right to self-defense. After the attacks we’ve already had on US soil and knowing an attack like that in Paris is inevitable here, NO law, politician or law enforcement agency will disarm us.