Who didn’t see this coming? There was a report earlier this year about how easy it is to get a fake ID/ passport and now we saw the end result with the attack in Paris. Does anyone have any doubt terrorists will try to use fake documents to come to the US? We have to put the brakes on any refugees coming here from Europe and the Middle East. Congressmen, former military and others are swearing up and down there’s no way to vet refugees. Couple that with this story of how one of the Paris, France terrorists had the same creds surely those few remaining states saying they will accept refugees will change their mind!?
All it takes is one terrorist getting through and our lives will once again be changed forever!
EIGHT migrants have same papers as those found on suicide bomber
The full scale of the trade in false passports that allows terrorists to slip into Europe was exposed last night.
It lets Islamic State fanatics who are bent on murder pose as refugees fleeing war and persecution.
Eight migrants have reached Europe using documents almost identical to those carried by one of the Paris suicide bombers.
He claimed asylum on the Greek island of Leros last month with a fake Syrian passport in the name of 25-year-old Ahmad Almohammad.
In a shocking indictment of the EU’s porous borders, yesterday Serbian police revealed they had arrested a man carrying a Syrian passport which was almost a carbon copy of the one found on the IS bomber’s corpse on Friday.
It had the same name, date of birth and place of birth. The only difference was the photograph. Serbian officials said as many as six other men this year had entered the EU with virtually identical passports.
The discovery has heightened fears that all the documents are fakes made by the same forger in the Middle East to dupe authorities into believing the holders are asylum seekers.
And worse, it has sparked concerns that the bogus papers could be in the possession of jihadists now lurking undetected in the EU’s passport-free Schengen travel zone.
The shocking ease with which the terrorists who murdered 129 innocent people in Paris were able to travel across Europe has sparked a renewed debate about the open borders policy…Read More